For those following, I am now in Argentina and will be attempting to put down a story or something roughly once a month. So far, I don´t have much in the way of stories ready, but I can put down a rough outline of my first week.
First, Caitlin and I arrived without much issue in Buenos Aires and went straight to the studio apartment that Dante Chialvo (Fede´s dad) let us use free of charge for our first 5 nights in the country. Lovely place. Tiny, but perfectly located and with a pool on the roof.
We spent those first days doing a lot of sleeping, walking around the barrios, seeing the MALBA, and enjoying cortados. We arrived on Tuesday the 11th, and on Sunday the 16th we got on a bus for 20 hours to get to Puerto Madryn, which is where we are now. We´ll spend a couple of days here enjoying the beach, maybe seeing some impressive wildlife, and then we´ll head even further south to do our first bit of backpacking...