Friday, December 19, 2008

Not according to plan

The last week hasn't really gone according to plan.  Unfortunately, my ultimate team did not do as well as I'd hoped, and we lost to some okay teams because of drops and throw-aways, two things that are extremely frustrating.  I couldn't really enjoy the party, I was too tired and the beer on tap was terrible.  I have had many a fun night on the likes of Natural Ice and Coors, but for some reason this was impalatable.  Later, many supposed that the stuff had perhaps been watered down. The day after the tournament, I had planned on staying for an extra day in Christchurch with my roommate Ben, but he bailed at the last minute to take a temp job this week, so I instead hung out with some other ultimate players on the Monday following.  Still among the group were two good friends, and things might have been fine, except I was still very tired, the weather was shit, and I had to pass up work at my favorite Preschool to do it.  No on in New Zealand that I have talked to likes Christchurch.

I came home and it fell to me to take care of the details of acquiring the new Minivan (Honda Odessey '95) Joey, Ben and I bought during the previous week.  This wasn't really a big deal, but I did have to pass on another day of employment, and deal with paperwork, plus foot some vehicle start-up costs (until we divide these up by three) such as registration and the first tank of gas. Having bought this car a little quickly (only cost $1,100 USD) to get a good deal, we overlooked little things like parking permits, and I got a small ticket on day one.  I have since been the one who has had to bike half a mile to the nearest free parking space to park the behemoth of an automobile when it has needed parking this week, and I had to take it to work with me on Wednesday.  Driving it through downtown in rush hour sucks.  I'm adjusting to driving with most of the car itself on my left instead of on my right, which is taxing on the brain.  And I don't even like cars.  

This week I worked on a stencil during almost all my free time, and after considerable investment, I'm unhappy with it.

Baxi was absolute garbage last night.  My trike broke down on numerous occasions, until I finally called it an early night.  I made very little money, and this in the face of four other successful pilots working last night.  As the Kiwis would say, 'Unlucky'.

I was supposed to play Ultimate all day today, but it's raining bullets. 

The significant difference in what I had planned to have saved by now, and what is actually left in my bank accounts is worrisome.  And the fact that I am a supposedly unusually talented and well educated twenty-three year old WITHOUT a job that even allows me to save money, is, though doubtless reasonable and common, frustrating.

The things that sound like the most fun to me right now (Working at BICAS, starting work on a couple of long-time good ideas I've had like T-shirt Trading, stenciling, sewing, hanging out with Wig before he leaves the country for who knows how long) are all things that are better accomplished in Tucson.

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