Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 8 - Lander, WY

59.31 miles; 4 hours 55 min; 12.03 mph avg; 2,050 feet climb

Not as rough of a day atmospherically speaking as yesterday.  Still a steady headwind, but more like 5-10 mph instead of 15-20.  Left the lazy boy recliner that Byron (see his website) supplied me in Jeffery City bright and early.  Napped for about an hour at Sweetwater junction rest area, considered calling it a short day, and then pressed on given the moderate wind conditions.  Next twenty-ish miles were pretty routine, until a scary moment halfway between the rest stop and Lander when my left knee (who needs to let me know what's going on: I can't help you Lefty if you won't talk to me!) collapsed on me and left me sitting on the side of the road pretty much resigned to resigning.

After what was I think the third instance of me mentally throwing in the towel and then reconsidering, I ingested a maximum dose of Ibuprofen and gingerly attempted the road again.  Slowly and tenderly I rolled into Lander, where Rosie O'Gara's parents have offered to let me stay and recuperate.  I hope that a couple of days off will let my muscles recover from the sharp increase in riding they've been subjected to, and by the end of the week they'll be able to predictably protect my joints again.

Lander is an excellent little town.  Perhaps the residents, who wish it to *stay* a little town, would like me to keep that a secret, but I'm going to share the best parts anyway.  The Lander Brewing Company does tasty work, supported by some delicious local-beef burgers at the attached Gannett Grill.  Old Town Coffee served me up a delicious iced chai as I entered town that relieved my weariness.  The weather is pleasant and calm, a singularity in the Wyoming I've seen so far.  Door locks are unnecessary.  I couldn't be in a better spot for bodily repairs.

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