Saturday, May 26, 2012

Days 3, 4, & 5

Stats (3): 59.24 miles; 4 hours 38 min; 2822 ft; avg 12.62mph
(4): 70.51 miles; 4 hours 41 min; 2551 ft; 15.05mph
(5): 64.08 miles; 4 hours 20 min; 1941 ft; 15.99mph
The worst thing about Wyoming roads besides the wind, is the big cracks in the asphalt from freezing and thawing ever winter. Every fifty feet: ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump. Horrible.
Crossed the continental divide again, so I'm seeing Atlantic bound water again. Also crossed the Colorado, Canadian, and Platte rivers. It's getting Lonesome Dove like.
One grueling day of head wind and rogue camping, followed by two of gradual downhill tail wind days. I'm glad I returned that guy's wallet a while back, or I'd have just gone into the red on karma.
Tomorrow is supposed to suck re: weather. Dodging the forty mile per hour gusts by taking a rest day in Rawlins. Through the use of my cunning and winning smile, talked the woman at the Quality Inn desk down from 80 to 50 per night. Still kinda breaking the bank, but worth it for some easy mac nights later on.