Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 28 - Orofino

58.67 miles; 4 hrs 2 min; 14.56 mph avg; 999 feet

Found a wonderful diner that actually homemakes all their food, as I presume all of them used to do, between Kooskia and Kamiah.  First I had the homemade biscuits with homemade gravy from homemade sausage, then I waited around for the rain to stop (an hour?) and had the handmade burger with tots, followed by the homemade chocolate pie.

On the narrow shoulder, high trucker volume stretch of SR 12 now.  Will be glad to escape it in Lewiston tomorrow.


  1. Replies
    1. Delicious. Though to be fair, mostly overshadowed by a lake of gravy.
